
Publication du Rapport sur les inégalités mondiales 2022 !

21 avril 2022 |

    « Lisez ce rapport, faites-en connaître les conclusions, trouvez des moyens d’agir en conséquence ! » Abhijit Banerjee et Esther Duflo       Résumé: Rapport


Globalization and Factor Income Taxation

11 avril 2022 |

Globalization and Factor Income Taxation   How has globalization affected the relative taxation of labor and capital, and why? To address this question, Pierre Bachas, Matthew


Wealth Inequality in Interwar Poland

31 mars 2022 |

Wealth Inequality in Interwar Poland   In this paper, Marcin Wroński provides the first estimates of wealth inequality in Poland in the interwar period.  To estimate wealth


Newsletter | March 2022

29 mars 2022 |

? Read or download the newsletter (pdf) ? Subscribe to the newsletter: click here       Data visualization: Realtime Inequality   The impact of


Effective sanctions against oligarchs and the role of a European Asset Registry

16 mars 2022 |

  Summary This note, by Theresa Neef, Panayiotis Nicolaides, Lucas Chancel, Thomas Piketty, and Gabriel Zucman, provides data on wealth inequality in Russia and advocates


Racial Inequalities in Latin America

16 mars 2022 |

Unveiling the Cosmic Race: Racial Inequalities in Latin America   In this paper, Guillermo Woo-Mora uses skin tone and income information for over a hundred thousand individuals


Income Inequality in Italy and Tax Policy Implications

28 février 2022 |

Reconstructing Income Inequality in Italy: New Evidence and Tax Policy Implications from Distributional National Accounts   In this study, Demetrio Guzzardi, Elisa Palagi, Andrea Roventini


Unequal access to higher education

10 février 2022 |

Unequal access to higher education based on parental income:  evidence from France In this paper, Cécile Bonneau and Sébastien Grobon provide new stylized facts on


Realtime Inequality

7 février 2022 |

The impact of the pandemic illustrates how crucial it is to have timely and distributional economic data. To better understand how each income and wealth


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Site web créé en 2021 par l'agence Adrénaline, avec la collaboration de :

Gestion de projet et conception web : Pauline Bouaud, Mathieu Vicard et Anthony Wieczorek

Développement et intégration : Aurélien Binauld, Thibaut Watteau et Benjamin Grillet (AliquidStudio).

Coordination : Lucas Chancel et Olivia Ronsain