
Do the Wealthy Underreport their Income? Using General Election Filings to Study the Income-Wealth Relationship in India

13 janvier 2023 |

  The income reporting behaviour of different wealth groups is a critical public finance issue that has remained under-researched in the Indian and international contexts.


Household Wealth and its distribution in the Netherlands, 1854-2019

19 décembre 2022 |

  We analyze the evolution of aggregate household wealth, its composition, and top wealth shares since the mid-19th century for the Netherlands, a country which


Rethinking Capital and Wealth Taxation

19 décembre 2022 |

This paper reviews recent developments in the theory and practice of optimal capital taxation. We emphasize three main rationales for capital taxation. First, the frontier


Top Wealth in America: A Reexamination

19 décembre 2022 |

  Recent estimates of US top wealth shares obtained by capitalizing income tax returns (Saez and Zucman, 2020; Smith, Zidar and Zwick, 2022) are close


Distributional National Accounts for Australia, 1991-2018

19 décembre 2022 |

  We produce estimates of the full distribution of all national income in Australia for the period 1991 to 2018, by combining household survey with


Distributional National Accounts of Taiwan, 1991-2017

19 décembre 2022 |

  We construct the pre-tax Distributional National Accounts (DINA) of Taiwan from 1981 to 2017 using survey data. Our DINA individual income series demonstrates a


Real-Time Inequality

19 décembre 2022 |

  This paper constructs high-frequency and timely income distributions for the United States. We develop a methodology to combine the information contained in high-frequency public


More Unequal or Not as Rich? Revisiting the Latin American Exception

19 décembre 2022 |

  Latin America is often portrayed as a global exception to the rising or consolidating income inequality trends of the early twenty-first century. However, the


Measuring the Carbon Content of Wealth Evidence from France and Germany

19 novembre 2022 |

This paper estimates the distribution of annual wealth-related greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in France and Germany, using a novel method to combine newly released air


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Site web créé en 2021 par l'agence Adrénaline, avec la collaboration de :

Gestion de projet et conception web : Pauline Bouaud, Mathieu Vicard et Anthony Wieczorek

Développement et intégration : Aurélien Binauld, Thibaut Watteau et Benjamin Grillet (AliquidStudio).

Coordination : Lucas Chancel et Olivia Ronsain